Galerie Fahrenheit stands as a bridge between design history and our contemporary era. By highlighting a pivotal period of explosive creativity, it invites us to rethink our relationship with objects and space. This bold curatorial approach reveals how the evolution of design both reflects and shapes our constantly changing societies.
The Gallery
The 1970s mark the end of an era and witness the emergence of a new generation of creators driven by a desire for rupture and reset; a generation eager to prioritize the meaning of objects over their function, thus renewing the language of forms and colors through singular creations, all imbued with strong emotional charge.
Consequently, the production of the 1980s was characterized by a flourishing Eclecticism, multiplying borrowings from ancient, primitive, or classical civilizations, from styles of the past, or conversely, moving towards an almost excessive economy of means favoring angular lines and pure geometric forms.
Founded in 2017 by Thomas Verrier, Galerie Fahrenheit aims to showcase three decades of creation, the fruit of technical and industrial revolutions, but also political and socio-cultural ones; three ultra-fertile decades that have profoundly changed our way of living and inhabiting.
Thomas Verrier
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